Attempting to reach one's full potential will always feature some amount of failure. Whether that comes in the form of a missed opportunity to perform your best, feeling that you didn't live up to the pressure and expectations or because an injury prevents you from even competing. Learning to recognize, accept and overcome failure is a key component on the road to establishing and achieving one's goals. In episode 3 of The Art of Confidence, Giulia Tanno and the Art of Confidence crew give us a personal look into how they have experienced and overcome failure in their careers.

"I learned it's not the only thing... it doesn't define me" – Giulia Tanno.

"The Art of Confidence" is a film series that reconnects women with belief in themselves and their abilities. Through their own stories, Spyder athletes Giulia Tanno, Amie Engerbretson, Lorraine Huber, and Alice Merryweather highlight their unique relationship with confidence. They remind us that even the most fearless, confident, uncompromising, and extraordinary women wrestle with fear and self-doubt. By taking a hard look at some of their deepest fears and discussing how to overcome them, these athletes show the art of confidence and how you can find yours in the process. Stay tuned as we launch the additional episodes of this four-part series throughout the rest of the ski season. Credit Après Productions.
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